Thursday, February 17, 2011


摘自一本书" When there is life, there is stuggle".

 Love is Telephone
Love is a telephone which always keep silent when you longing for a call, but rings when you are not ready for it.

Love is a telephone which is always busy. When you are ready to devote yourself to or even ready to die for love, you only find, to your disappointment, the line is occupied by someone else, and you are greeted by a busy line

Love is a telephone, but it is difficult to seize the right time for dialing and you will let slip the opportunity if your call is either too early or too late

Love is telephone which has crossed lines.As this usually happens to you unexpected. Your line will either cross or be crossed. Both cases are referred to as 'triangles'

* Happy for those of them who had found their ms and mr. right. Love is in the air! Wish all of them in great great happiness:)

怎么了? 今天,我又寂寞了。听着这首歌,寂寞的感觉又涌上心头。朋友们恋爱了,还是一个人,觉得寂寞。朋友要回国了,觉得寂寞。一个人对着电脑看着书,觉得寂寞。一个人坐在电视机前面坐久了,也会觉得寂寞。

张小娴说,只要你学会和寂寞相处,就正如你学会了沉默。沉默,可以让你听见更多声音; 孤独,让你听自己的内心。那一刻,你已忘记了寂寞。看来, 我学会了跟寂寞独处,也跟它做了好朋友。

寂寞的时候,会听听自己喜欢的歌,躺在沙发上想有的没的,就这样过一天。在朋友面前,不时会脸色一沉。朋友问我,你有心事吗? 我回答不出来,因为连我自己也搞不懂自己到底怎么了。 有点不习惯人群了,因为不知怎么和别人沟通,除了上课时间都不想外出了,成为典型的宅女。

灰 蒙 蒙 的 夜 晚 睡 意 又 不 知 躲 到 那 去,

一 转 身, 孤 单 已 躺 在 身 旁.........